SofE - I.D.E.A.
School of Entrepreneurs

Integrated Development of Entrepreneurial Achievers
Leonardo da Vinci project No. 2005/CY/05/B/F/PP-167.501

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Introducing the European Entreprise Passport

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Entrepreneurship was considered as a new basic skill - to be provided through lifelong learning - by the Lisbon European Council of 2000.

SOFE: School of Entrepreneurs
The need for more Entrepreneurial Spirit in Europe, which is facing increasing competition from the USA and Asia, has long been recognized. The European Employment Guidelines presented at the LdV seminar "Development of Entrepreneurship (Hague 2003) is one example of a recent document aimed at redirecting efforts towards a more structured approach to the effective training of entrepreneurs.
In all European Countries hundreds of seminars and short courses are given each year on subjects on or about entrepreneurship and how to start up and run a business. The timing and content of these courses is of course not following any kind of plan which connects them in any way with each other. There is no imbedded structure in the offerings and any individual is expected to pick and choose courses at will as these become available without regard to any prerequisite knowledge or any interconnection or relation with other courses. Furthermore there is no unified system to value and verify this knowledge acquisition process. It is quite clear that there is need to harmonise and improve the different viewpoints to Entrepreneurship in the EU countries now numbering 25 members.
In this project it is proposed to develop the model of a programme of structured instruction for practicing or budding entrepreneurs which, when implemented, will lead to a recognized qualification outside the formal educational system of the traditional schools of entrepreneurship which are available at the secondary and tertiary levels of education.

Kick-off Meeting in Larnaca(Cyprus)
24-25 October 2005

International Conference
"Addind Value to Entrepreneurship Education and Training"
Nicosia, Cyprus, Nov. 2007 

Project with the financial support of:
European Commission -
D.G. Education and Culture


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